Buy a Water Dispenser in Singapore
November 12, 2022Tap water in Singapore is generally safe enough to drink, the public water supply is among the best in the world. It meets or exceeds all World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for drinking water quality. The water is safe to drink without any treatment. However, if you want to be healthier and more convenient, like instant hot or cold water at home or the office, a water dispenser is worth considering. It seems like everyone has a different definition of the term ‘hygiene’ when it comes to staying clean. And there are a lot of people who struggle to remain hygienic and keep their home or office spick and span. Hence, it’s unsurprising that Singapore has increased demand for products such as water dispensers. Having your drinking water supply can sometimes be challenging for those living in apartments or any small space. Thankfully, now you don’t need to worry about this! With various types of water dispensers in Singapore, you can easily stock up on clean drinking water whenever you need it without worrying about where to get it next.

What is a water dispenser?
A water dispenser is a machine that dispenses filtered drinking clean water on demand. The water dispenser has a large tank connected to a water source or pipe. The water is filtered and then dispensed into a cup or bottle when you press a button or lever. Most of these dispensers have a fixture at the top where you can attach your jug for making alkaline water or another container to fill up clean drinking water. The popularity of these devices has led to various innovations, such as wireless models that connect to smartphones and tablets. Some designs can instantly mix different types of beverages, hot and cold water, so you always have an option for your preferred drink. With these features available, you’ll never run out fresh, clean drinking water. Some water dispensers serve alkaline water too, but they are very rare in the market.

Types of Water Dispensers in Singapore
There are a lot of types of water dispensers in Singapore. They’re distinguished by their use, size, and type of filters. The most common type is the self-contained water dispenser with a countertop design or a tabletop water dispenser is a filtered water dispenser, which can be plugged into an electrical outlet to provide clean drinking water for many people. Some have a water cooler function which serves cold water. There are particular ones has a built-in filter that acts as a water purifier serving purified water to catch bacteria, viruses, chlorine and fluoride from tap water intake. Another popular type is the stationary water dispenser which has a tank system with an inlet tube on top and an outlet at the bottom. It can be mounted onto any surface or operated by hand through the inlet tube. There are also umbrella-shaped or wine glass-shaped water dispensers that can accommodate up to two litres of water. The modern water dispenser is the tankless water dispenser, a water dispenser without tanks. The tankless dispenser water comes from the tap that dispenses hot and cold water and does not require a storage tank. This type of dispenser is more energy-efficient than a traditional water dispenser because it does not have to keep the water temperature of a large tank of water and is without boiling water when you need piping hot water. Most of these water dispensers have water temperature options too.
How does a water dispenser work?
The Water dispensers are designed to provide clean drinking water using a water filter cartridge at room temperature by filtering and disinfecting contaminants that might be found in tap water or hot or cold water nowadays. The filters on the machines are designed to ensure that your drinking water is safe for consumption. Other than this, the dispensers serve instant hot and cold water to keep up with your family’s needs and help you stay hydrated when you’re away from home. In addition to providing fresh, filtered and safe drinking water, these products can also benefit your health. Many have a filtration system that helps remove harmful chemicals such as benzene and lead from the tap water so it doesn’t go into your body. They can also be programmed to turn off automatically when no more liquid is left in the tank or after a certain time period has passed. This ensures that they don’t waste any of your electricity while at the same time keeping pets and children safe from possible contamination.
When buying a water dispenser, check out these factors.
When buying a water dispenser, it’s essential to consider the factors of your daily life. Are you someone who likes having access to clean drinking water? Is this something that would fit into your budget? Do you want a water dispenser for how many people? With these questions in mind, you can decide what machine will work best. This is also the perfect time to check out the different options for water dispensers in Singapore. There are many types available with varying features and price tags. You can easily compare the other models and choose which one will be ideal for your needs without putting any unnecessary stress on yourself.

Buying Guide for Water Dispensers in Singapore
There are many types on the market you can choose a water dispenser. Depending on your needs (size, features, water filtration system etc.), many options are available, and most come with a water filter. But if you have an idea of what you’re looking for and want to ensure you’re getting the best product for your money, check out our buying guide: Different types of water dispensers serve different needs. A countertop water dispenser might be best for you if you live in an apartment and don’t have much space. On the other hand, if you live in a small home and need to keep up with smaller areas, a plug-in water dispenser would be perfect for this kind of environment. You should also consider whether or not you need any extra features when selecting which type of water dispenser is best for your home and lifestyle. Some are hot water dispensers, and they are cold water dispensers too, like the novita W1. If You are looking For a Countertop Water Dispenser or Direct Pipe-In Water Dispenser that is space-saving that serves you hot and cold water, then the novita W1 an instany hot water dispenser as well as the cold water is likely the best water dispenser that might be right for your choice.
Buying and finding the right water dispenser in Singapore can be complicated to navigate without the correct information. Here, we give you three tips to ensure you find the right water dispenser.

1. Consider the space in your office or home
The first thing to consider is how much space you have in your office or home. A desktop water dispenser may be better suited if you have limited space. On the other hand, a floor-standing water dispenser would be a better option if you have more room
2. Decide on a type of cooling system
Water dispensers come with three cooling systems – pressure tank, compressor and thermo-electric. Compressor and pressure tank systems are recommended for busier offices as they can quickly provide large amounts of cold water. Thermoelectric systems are recommended for smaller offices as they are quieter and use less energy than compressor and pressure tank systems.
3. Choose between bottled or plumbed-in water supply
Bottled water dispensers are easier to set up than plumbed-in and don’t require installation work. However, bottled water dispensers tend to be more expensive to run in the long term as you If you’re looking to buy a water dispenser, check out this guide you’ll have an easier time buying a desired water dispenser with water filtration and probably be able to get the best one for your need.
[…] has adopted energy-saving instant heating system technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change, in line with Singapore’s […]
[…] choosing a water dispenser for home, the first thing to consider is what type of water you want to dispense. There are two […]
[…] don’t require any installation. Just make sure you have enough room for one. Many vendors in Singapore offer water dispenser rental in their monthly packages, including maintenance […]
[…] A water dispenser in Singapore typically costs around SGD$600. However, prices can range from as low as a few hundred to as high as a few thousand. The price of a water dispenser generally depends on the brand, type, and features. For example, a higher-end water dispenser with features like a built-in filter or dispensing cold and hot water may cost more than a basic model. […]
[…] 9, 2023 By novitaSG Off Benefits of a Water Dispenseryou looking for a great way to keep your office hydrated? Do you want a convenient, efficient way of […]
[…] lead to dehydration or heat stroke if not addressed quickly enough. Lastly, ensuring everyone has easy access to clean drinking water encourages them to make healthier choices when it comes to what they consume at work which will […]