The Ultimate Guide to Commercial Dehumidifiers

September 8, 2023 By novitaSG Off


Commercial dehumidifiers or industrial dehumidifiers are essential equipment for businesses and industries that require controlled humidity levels. They are designed to remove excess moisture from the air, preventing mould growth, improving air quality, and protecting sensitive equipment. In this ultimate guide, we will explore what commercial dehumidifiers are and the benefits they offer.

A factory with a lot of machines in it.

What is a Commercial Dehumidifier?

An air conditioner in a room.

commercial or industrial dehumidifier is a powerful machine specifically designed to regulate humidity levels in large spaces such as warehouses, manufacturing facilities, restaurants, hotels, and hospitals. Unlike residential dehumidifiers, which are suitable for smaller areas like homes or apartments, commercial dehumidifiers are built to handle high-capacity moisture removal.

These units use advanced technology to extract moisture from the air and collect it in a condensate tank or drain it directly. Some models also include additional features such as built-in humidistats, programmable controls, and automatic defrost functions to optimize performance.

Benefits of Using Commercial Dehumidifiers

A long hallway with a lot of equipment in it.

Using commercial dehumidifiers offers several key benefits for businesses and industries:

  1. Mould Prevention: Excess moisture in the air can lead to mould growth, which can be detrimental to both the health of employees and the structural integrity of buildings. Commercial dehumidifiers help maintain optimal humidity levels, preventing mould growth and creating a healthier environment.
  2. Improved Air Quality: High humidity levels can contribute to poor indoor air quality by promoting the growth of allergens and bacteria. By removing excess moisture from the air, commercial dehumidifiers help create a cleaner and healthier environment for employees and customers.
  3. Equipment Protection: Moisture can damage sensitive equipment such as electronics, machinery, and inventory. Commercial dehumidifiers help protect these assets by reducing humidity levels and preventing corrosion, rust, and other moisture-related damage.
  4. Energy Efficiency: High humidity levels can make cooling systems work harder, leading to increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. By maintaining optimal humidity levels, commercial dehumidifiers can help reduce energy costs and improve overall energy efficiency.
  5. Comfort: Excessive humidity can make employees and customers feel uncomfortable, leading to decreased productivity and customer satisfaction. Commercial dehumidifiers create a more comfortable environment by reducing humidity levels and preventing that sticky feeling associated with high moisture.

Types of Commercial Dehumidifiers

A close up of oil slicks on the ground.

When it comes to controlling moisture levels in commercial spaces, having the right dehumidifier is essential. There are several types of commercial dehumidifiers available, each with its own unique features and benefits. In this guide, we will explore the three main types of commercial dehumidifiers: desiccant dehumidifiers, refrigerant dehumidifiers, and heat pump dehumidifiers.

Desiccant Dehumidifiers

Desiccant dehumidifiers are highly effective in removing moisture from the air. They work by passing the air over a desiccant material, such as silica gel or activated alumina, which absorbs the moisture. The dry air is then released back into the space. These dehumidifiers are particularly useful in areas with low temperatures or where low humidity levels are required, such as cold storage facilities or laboratories.

One of the advantages of desiccant dehumidifiers is that they can operate at lower temperatures compared to other types. They are also capable of achieving very low humidity levels, making them suitable for applications that require precise moisture control. However, they typically consume more energy than other types of dehumidifiers and may require regular maintenance to replace or regenerate the desiccant material.

Refrigerant Dehumidifiers

Refrigerant dehumidifiers, also known as condensing dehumidifiers, work by cooling the air to condense the moisture. The air is passed over a cold coil, causing the moisture to condense into water droplets. The dry air is then reheated and released back into the space. These dehumidifiers are commonly used in commercial settings such as offices, hotels, and warehouses.

One of the main advantages of refrigerant dehumidifiers is their energy efficiency. They can remove large amounts of moisture from the air while consuming less energy compared to desiccant dehumidifiers. They are also effective in maintaining comfortable humidity levels in larger spaces. However, they may not be as effective in low-temperature environments and require regular maintenance to prevent the growth of mould or bacteria on the cold coil.

Heat Pump Dehumidifiers

Heat pump dehumidifiers combine the principles of refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers. They use a heat pump to cool the air and condense the moisture, similar to refrigerant dehumidifiers. However, instead of reheating the dry air, they pass it through a desiccant wheel or rotor, which removes any remaining moisture before releasing the dry air back into the space. These dehumidifiers are commonly used in commercial applications where both temperature and humidity control are required, such as swimming pools or manufacturing facilities.

The advantage of heat pump dehumidifiers is their ability to provide both cooling and dehumidification in one unit. They are energy-efficient and can maintain precise humidity levels even in challenging environments. However, they may be more expensive upfront compared to other types of dehumidifiers and require regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance.

In conclusion, choosing the right type of commercial dehumidifier depends on factors such as the desired humidity levels, temperature conditions, and energy efficiency requirements. Desiccant dehumidifiers are ideal for low-temperature environments, refrigerant dehumidifiers are energy-efficient and suitable for larger spaces, while heat pump dehumidifiers offer both cooling and dehumidification capabilities. By understanding the different types and their features, you can make an informed decision to effectively control moisture levels in your commercial space.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Dehumidifier

A thermometer and sun on a white background.

When it comes to maintaining optimal humidity levels in commercial spaces, a reliable and efficient dehumidifier is essential. However, with the wide variety of options available in the market, choosing the right commercial dehumidifier can be a daunting task. To help you make an informed decision, here are some key factors to consider:

Capacity and Size

The capacity and size of the dehumidifier are crucial factors to consider. The capacity refers to the amount of moisture the dehumidifier can remove from the air in a given time period, usually measured in pints per day. It’s important to choose a dehumidifier with a capacity that matches the size of your commercial space. A larger space will require a higher capacity dehumidifier to effectively control humidity levels.

Additionally, consider the physical size of the dehumidifier. Ensure that it can fit comfortably in your desired location without obstructing any pathways or causing inconvenience.

Efficiency and Energy Consumption

Energy efficiency is an important consideration when choosing a commercial dehumidifier. Look for models with an Energy Star certification, as they are designed to consume less energy while still providing effective dehumidification. This not only helps reduce your carbon footprint but also saves on energy costs in the long run.

Consider the dehumidifier’s operating temperature range as well. Some models may not perform optimally in low or high temperatures, so it’s important to choose one that suits your specific environment.

Noise Level

Noise level is another factor to take into account, especially if you plan to use the dehumidifier in occupied spaces such as offices or retail stores. Look for dehumidifiers with low noise levels, typically measured in decibels (dB). This ensures a comfortable and quiet working environment for employees and customers.

Additional Features

Consider the additional features offered by the commercial dehumidifier. Some models come with built-in humidistats, which allow you to set and maintain specific humidity levels. This can be particularly useful in spaces where precise humidity control is required, such as laboratories or storage facilities.

Other features to look out for include automatic defrosting, which prevents frost buildup on the coils, and auto-restart functionality, which resumes operation after a power outage.

In conclusion, choosing the right commercial or industrial dehumidifier requires careful consideration of factors such as capacity, size, efficiency, noise level, and additional features. By taking these factors into account, you can ensure that your commercial space maintains optimal humidity levels for the comfort and well-being of employees and customers.